Guthrie Aerial Photography

Library Images

Library Images

We have thousands of library / stock images from around Scotland that you can utilise TODAY!  We have digital files from 2006 to our most recent flights.  We also have negatives from 1992 that can be digitalised for you.



  • Scottish city aerials; Glasgow, Edinburgh, Aberdeen, Inverness, etc
  • Scottish town and village aerials
  • Scottish industrial estate aerials
  • Scottish retail park and shopping centre aerials
  • Scottish school, college and university aerials
  • Scottish Hotel, Golf, Swimming, Racing and Stadium aerials
  • Scottish landmark and scenic view aerials
  • Scottish airport and train / bus station aerials


We have it ALL at our finger tips ready for you to take advantage of – it’s QUICK and CHEAP!

QUICK! The image you need in a matter of hours.

CHEAP! One high resolution file is £130 + VAT.  Or you can have multiple high resolution files (of the same subject) for £190 + VAT. And NO copyright restrictions.

Here’s how to order:
  • Let us know your target of interest; type, name, address and if possible a plan.

  • We’ll search our library and send you relevant low resolution viewing files for you to select from.

  • Let us know which file (s) you require.

  • We will then forward on the high resolution file(s) via ‘wetransfer’ or ‘smash’.  The image will have been processed (colour / density / straightened, etc) and will be ready-to-use.